This is my last President’s message to all of you since someone else will be stepping into the position for 2002. The Board holds election of officers at the January Board meeting, but since I’m writing this before that time, I can’t say who your new Prez will be. Fortunately, due to the marvels of last minute updates, I believe the newsletter may be able to hold a space for that announcement along with the other officers for 2002. I can tell you that we had a great turnout of members running for the open Board positions. The first time in quite awhile that we have had more candidates than positions to fill. For those of you who did not get their ballots in to be counted, I’m sure this Board will still serve you well. Re-elected for another two year term were Ken Barnes and June Bloye. Newly elected for a two year term were Sharon Feeney, Lilli Smith, and Rick Johnson.

I’ve enjoyed being a part of helping this organization to do the things we do, and as I move out of my position, someone else steps in to help keep it all moving along. That’s the wonderful part of a volunteer organization, we all get a chance to lend a helping hand.

Happy sculpting.