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From the President.... 

The opportunities to display your work continues. Mark your calendars for the Jan 14, 2019 opening of: “Cross + Over Honoring a Re-Birth in Form” at Portland Community College’s Sylvania Gallery. This show will feature the works made from re-purposed marble crosses. As described in the show brochure, “Following the replacement of weathered cemetery crosses with granite, Colorado marble forms became available for sculptors. Celebrate the new life given to these crosses.”

Over 20 members have “acquired” a cemetery cross at NWSSA’s Suttle Lake auctions. As of this writing, 10 have confirmed they will be contributing a piece or documentation of their work for display. If you have a “Cross + Over” to display and have NOT contacted me, please email me: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ASAP so we can reserve a spot for you in the show. 

Many thanks to Michael Creger for finding the space and scheduling the event, and especially to Kim Lewis for his vision and generosity of the cross donations that make it possible. See two of the cross + over entries on the back cover of this issue.

Ben Mefford reports progress on the sculpture display at Marymoor, and are waiting for a contract from King County to get the final details of our arrangement hammered out. Stay tuned and think “public art” in late 2019.

Speaking of public art, Candyce Garret will be back next year to Pilgrim Firs to continue work on her granite pieces, and John Lafortune will also be there. So, if you want first-hand experience and hints, put Pilgrim Firs on your calendar, July 6-14, 2019. And, if you’d like the opportunity to work on a large marble piece, think about joining Mark Andrews and fellow sculptors at the Suttle Lake symposium, August 11-18, 2019 as they continue the carving.

I’ve been very surprised by the warm response I get when I speak with people about having a youth-oriented symposium event. If you have any ideas about what you might like to see at a stone carving event for 12-18 year olds, drop me a note.

I would like to welcome Constance Jones to the board. Given her years of experience as a therapist, she has expressed an interest in working with Rick Johnson and the folks at joint Base Lewis McCord (JBLM) veteran’s art therapy program. If you would like to lend a hand, drop Rick Johnson a note so he can pass it on to the folks at JBLM.

Finally, please consider sharing your skills and wisdom by serving on the board for a two year term. It is you that makes things happen, so please consider how you might contribute.

Carve Proud, Learn Much, and Share with Many.…