The glow from Camp Brotherhood is still with me two months after the event.  I just finished a piece I started at Camp B. and am nearly finished with another made of Randy’s wonderful henna limestone.  It is difficult to finish, but once polished the surface absolutely glows.  The significant pile of other stones I brought home from Camp B. is patiently awaiting my grinder.

Since I blew my art budget for the year on this pile of patient stones, I could not attend the Silver Falls Symposium.  However, all reports indicate it was a good event with higher than typical attendance.  In this tough economic environment we have been fortunate to see our largest group ever at Camp B (120 people) and a very strong showing at our two other symposia.  I guess I am not the only one who likes to cuddle up with stone in stressful times.

The next official opportunity to get together will be at the NWSSA holiday party.  You will get to see carving buddies and hear about our plans for 2004.  We will also have our Board of Directors annual election.  Let a board member know if you are interested in participating at some level in 2004.

Carve well, have fun, and wear a good respirator,