I have been fortunate this year to be able to do more sculpting at home, rather than try and do it all at Camp Brotherhood, so I’m hoping to experience the social aspects of our summer gathering this time. I usually feel that I have to be productive at Camp B in my short sculpting time, and forget that there is so much to learn and experience without ever touching tool to stone. For an organization spread out over such a wide geographic area, Camp B is a wonderful opportunity for many of us to gather in one place to share our common interests. I would like thank all the people who help make our Camp B symposium happen. And for those of you who are new to our organization and have the time and energy to help any of our activities continue, remember that we always need new people to step in for those who need to step back. Don’t be shy, talk to a board member or committee person in the area that interests you. If you have thoughts of running for a board position, contact me and I’ll help talk you into it.

Happy sculpting.