Tis the first day of fall and here on the Ridge all the Beasties are busy storing up for the Long Dark. Now, being a beastie human I dunna have a fond feeling for the whole business. We’ll no longer have those long summer days to go out trekking for stone, carving under the shade of a tree and tipping a pint or two with yer buds. Dismal.


Thus I sat in the sun and pondered me navel, thought of the ole story of the grasshopper and the ant. What if, like the ant, I gathered up a whole bunch of wee stones and made wee art during the Long Dark. How much dust would my Dremel make in the house? Would Patty notice the difference from regular house dust? (Yes we have house dust: we live in the country and we have dogs.)


Dogs! The key! Me dogs come into the house, they shake - depositing various amounts of detritus year around. What if I polished in the shower? Honey I had to bathe the dogs. (This just in case I missed a spot or two in cleaning up.)


Tis likely I’ll have clean dogs this winter. I realize this tis a bit o’ subterfuge, but stoners gots to do what they gots to do. Tis in their nature! And like the ant, on which I reflected, I’d be workin’ in me own home. Hmmmm, seems like I’ve me answer. I’ll let ye all know how it progresses.