This is a call for the inclusion of public art collections in the Public Art Archive, an online database of public art. To be considered for inclusion, you must be a professional artist who has completed and installed public artwork, or an administrator of an established public art program. There is no charge to submit entries to the Public Art Archive. Public art is defined here as art that is situated in a location that is accessible or viewable by the general public and was, in most cases, commissioned by a public art entity, typically using percent-for-art or public funding. Gallery art and art exhibited inside galleries and museums is not eligible. Works of art that were commissioned and/or gifted by corporations, museums, educational institutions, private parties, and other entities may also be eligible. Permanently cited, temporary, new media, performative, rotating, and portable works may be eligible if they meet the commonly known definition of public art or civic art.
Public Art Archive™ (PAA™), like CallforEntry.org™ (CaFE™), is powered by the
Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF). The Western States Arts Federation is a nonprofit regional arts service organization dedicated to the development of an expanded awareness of the power of the arts. Much of the organization’s work is accomplished through the development of technologies that benefit the arts and the arts community. WESTAF created the PAA™, which launched in 2009 with the collections of a few pilot public art agencies. We are pleased to invite artists and collection managers to include their artworks on this premier database for public art.
Contact Email: lori.goldstein@westaf.org