Women’s Hand Carving Workshop May 31st-June 2nd

Location: Old Alcohol Plant Inn, 310 Hadlock Bay Road, Hadlock, WA. (6 miles South of Port Townsend)Hours:
Friday 11:00am – 4:00pm
Sat. 10:00am – 4:00pmSun. 11:00am – 1:00pm
ART WALK: Saturday Afternoon 12:00pm – 4:00pmHand Carving Weekend: As access to power is very limited at this location, and our set up location is just outside the Hotel's Restaurant, bring whatever hand tools you might need. If you aren’t a hand carver, bring a partly finished piece you can rasp, chisel, or sand. There is room for 7 to 8 canopies on the lawn in front of the Hotel so two people will share one canopy space. If inclimate weather, we may utilize the covered patio area outside the banquet room.
Bring a work table, chair or stool, and your hand carving tools. Bring sculpture pedestals for your finished sculptures for the show and sale. We will donate 25% of all sales to support the Old Alcohol Plant Inn's Non-Profit Charity: Bayside Housing & Services.
Friday Evening Pot Luck Picnic: Bring a bottle of wine and a dish to share.Items needed: Volunteers to help coordinate, Paper plates, plastic forks knives & spoons, cups, napkins. Registration fee $115 Member Rate ($150 Non-Member Rate) payable to NWSSA to underwrite our insurance for the event, hotel staff assistance during set-up and tear down and use of the Old Alcohol Plant Inn space and facilities.Accommodations:
Old Alcohol Inn Hotel (Make sure you mention you're with NWSSA as they are offering special room rates for reservations made prior to April 30th!)
Hadlock Motel ½ mile away
Several B&Bs nearby
Prefer to register by mail? Click Here to download & print a
Registration Form
Questions: Please Contact Ellie Hochman
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 206 419 3499