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Tool Tuesday Zoom with Myles from 2Sculpt

Tool Tuesday Zoom with Myles from 2Sculpt

Generating new ideas: stimulating CREATIVITY

Do you sometimes feel like your reservoir of sculpture designs are running dry or stale? There is an ocean of ideas just waiting to be tapped; internally and externally.  Our discussion will begin on ways of generating ideas. These include direct and indirect carving, seeing sculpture all around us, the beauty of imperfection, motivation from emotion (politics, empathy, disgust, kindness...).
Then, as a group, we will explore these topics:

  • What motivates YOU (morels or amanita muscaria)?
  • Should we strive for a theme or is being eclectic “acceptable” in our art?
  • When is a new idea a bad idea and how do we quit?
  • Is copying OK and how do we define copying.  Is “AI” a form of copying?
  • Is it your art if it is produced via automation (CAD CAM)?
  • Can we protect our ideas?

Please share your own experiences on creativity and these related topics.  Of course, I will have several short stories to introduce these topics.

I hope to see you then.



“Steal Like An Artist” by Austin Kleon
“The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron
“A Whack on the Side of the Head” by Roger von Oech

To join us, link into our Zoom meeting at:   6:30  PST  LINK

Event Properties

Event date 02-20-2024 6:30 am
Event End Date 02-20-2024 7:30 am
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free for Members

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