The “CHRYSALIS” series (above and right)

Each rock is a fragment of the skin of the earth. Each has a compositional identity that narrates its own history. On a select few, I engage in an active dialog exploring their unique character. This process displays another cycle in its metamorphosis of form. In these few presentations, I attempt to reveal what I discovered. Each stone left an impression on me, and I left a fragment of an impression on it.
The Shoreline City Hall Commission

Shoreline, Washington public project undertaken in the fall of 2009. The building was designed to provide state of the art energy efficiency. Sculptor and designer Richard Hestekind was commissioned to develop and install a water feature that integrated with many of the design components already in place. Elements of the sculpture display how water flows through this specific community and into Puget Sound. The feature was sculpted from Washington State Columbia River basalt columns.

Rich Hestekind