Editors’ note: In the spirit of connection, and because our 2018 Symposiums are over and there is not as much opportunity to get together during the rest of the year, we’d like to use the Journal to introduce ourselves to each other. Each issue will have a photograph of one or two newer members and how they heard about the NorthWest Stone Sculptors Association (NWSSA.) We begin the new “Let’s Meet…..” feature with Jeremy Kester.

In 2012 “The Body Beautiful” Greek and Roman sculpture exhibition came to the Portland Art Museum. There I met MJ Anderson. She was set up displaying the steps and tooling of marble sculpture. Unaccustomed to encountering a stone sculptor in the wild, I was full of questions. After a great conversation she wrote down the NWSSA web address on a flyer. It took me 4 years to actually make it to my first Symposium at Camp Brotherhood in 2016 where my experiences were course correcting. I have been coming back ever since.
... Jeremy Kester