An instructional event for advanced stone carvers. 

A five-day course of instruction at Pothier Enterprises' place of business in Delta, BC, very close to the Canada/US border. (local sculptural tools dealer.)
Michael Binkley and George Pratt, internationally known sculptors, will be the instructors. (Websites: and Andrew Pothier is event convenor/field manager. (
Workshop Mission
In working among sculptors over the years, we perceive a hardcore contingent among them who share our obsession with our craft – a small, dedicated nucleus with two burning aspirations:
- To acquire the skills and tools that will elevate them to professional sculptors, making a living at the work they love.
- Concurrently, gaining the insights needed to competently instruct others at symposia.
VANCOUVER SPRING workshop will be five eight-hour days with no distractions, aimed at bringing those sculptors to that level. It will be detail-oriented rather than project oriented; i.e., a participant may be assigned a workshop project, but it could be often interrupted to address and resolve, for everyone, the issues arising from it. Instruction in state-of-the-art tooling will be constant. Emphasiswill be given to teaching how the professional may sustain her/his living by creating a collection of saleable 'coffee-table’ sculptures, including advice about marketing.
The creation, pricing and management of large outdoor works will be addressed. Expect to work with diamond-grinding equipment on ornamental stones that stymie most sculptors, particularly JADE.
To be able to provide one-on-one instruction, the course will be limited to 20 participants.
- There is no official registrational/educational body in Canada for certification of stone carving instructors, but those who satisfactorily complete the course will be given a certificate of proficiency from the convening professionals.
- Note: Vancouver Spring is not a symposium in the ‘camp’ sense. The instructional workshop is bare bones. A logistical/detail sheet will be available,
i.e., all about local accommodation, eateries, and more. The course will be Monday, May 5 through Friday, May 9, 2014, with setup on Sunday, May 4.
Fee will be $875 Canadian + any appropriate tax.
For registration and/or queries, contact Andrew Pothier at 604 946 3811 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.