Starting with the quarry, Matt Auvinen will give us some of the details about a one hundred and fifty six year old marble quarry in California and the lucky NWSSA members who got to go along on his recent field trip.
Two of our members talk a bit about the personal journeys that resulted in the pieces shown in this issue. Cyra Jane Hobson shares her innermost thoughts while carving a lighthouse on legs and Jonna Ramey shows us her Fat Phobia versions of the 25,000 year old Venus of Willendorf.
Our Centerfold will have all the information you need to head for Sisters, Oregon to learn and share so much about carving stone on the fabulous shores of Suttle Lake in the high Cascades. Yes, our Second Annual Suttle Lake Symposium is ON. August 21 through 28. Register now.

Penelope and Lane