You will read a few of the responses we’ve received. As you read them, we hope that you will be encouraged to send in your own feelings and thoughts about our group. The photos attached will help us put names to faces and, we hope, lend a feeling of connection through the many short days of a long winter.
Also in this issue we feature the work of Rich Hestekind. We’ve been trying to profile Rich in the Journal for years and are delighted to have his thoughts as well as photos of his spectacular and innovative work. [You will see that Rich has collaborated with Jim Ballard to display some of his pieces.]
And, if you happen to have a quarter million in change rattling around in your jeans, you might be interested in acquiring the equipment featured in the "Machine Carved Gargoyles" article. Or, for a more reasonable sum you might want to contact Patrick Doratti and see if his machine is a fit for your next high-end project.
So, until we’re next in your mail.….Happy Winter Solstice and a toast to a fulfilling and creative New Year.

Penelope and Lane