Are we done with snow yet? Let’s hope so. It’s been a late winter and one to make us all wish for heated studios. Bless those of us who already have them. Or more particularly, bless those who don’t.
That’s the nice thing about June. It should be lovely weather for the Second Annual Women’s Carving Retreat in Port Hadlock this year. Begun by Arliss Newcomb in 2017, this year the helm will be taken by Ellie Hochman, who is excited about directing the 2018 event. You can read the details of where, when and how to sign up in this issue.
In keeping with concept of Women Who Carve Stone, we have put together a brief article about the founding mothers of stone carving, even though the early women carvers used a lot of wax. Those women who by virtue of hard work, formidable talents and incredible perseverance, little by little chipped away with the long accepted gender bias in the field. Their success spurred changes that resulted in women carvers flourishing all over the world. (Not to belabor it, but not unlike those NWSSA women carvers gathering in Hadlock, Washington…and…all those women who bring so much talent and enthusiasm to our yearly symposia.)
And, finally, in this issue we will be treated to an insider’s report on the North West Flower and Garden Show which was just held in Seattle. Our guide will be Monika Hawkinson who directed the effort for the NWSSA booth this year. Thank you Monika

Penelope and Lane