Welcome to the last issue of Sculpture NorthWest for 2018!
Heading into winter we can look back and enjoy the memories of our two summer symposiums. In this issue Director Doug Wiltshire reminds us of the delightful events enjoyed at Suttle Lake this year.
Those who attended Pilgrim Firs in July, had the good fortune to meet Oliver Harwood. For those of us who missed this opportunity, here is Oliver in our Artist Spotlight. The spectrum of his work is wide ranging: moving from the most delicate of figurative to massive, towering constructions.
And it’s time for another 1 X 1 X 1 (One Artist, One Piece, One Page). Eun Parker shares her thoughts on one of her sculptures of simple elegance.
Our Introduction of newer members continues with "Let’s Meet….” This time we introduce two members: Jessi Eaton from Ashland, Oregon and Grant Bowman from Seattle, Washington.
Welcome all - newer members and members of longer standing - to this issue of Sculpture NorthWest. Enjoy!

Penelope and Lane