We start off the New Year with a return to a black and white cover. Don’t let that bother you. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine shows pretty well in gray scale. We enter the cathedral at the invitation of Joseph Kincannon who worked for twelve years on the extension of the south tower for that building. His is a story of luck, persistence and creativity; leading him to an ever expanding world of stone carving.
In another approach to sculpture, we are treated to a review of Bob Leverich’s project to produce outdoor granite furniture for high school students. Congratulations, Bob, for the final completion of this work.
Speaking of projects, a fortunate thirty NWSSA members enjoyed a Whidbey Island tour of Hank Nelson’s twenty acre extravaganza he calls Cloudstone. Erin Rants breaks it down for us to begin an understanding of the very long journey Hank has taken to produce the wonder that is Cloudstone.
And we meet a young man at the beginning of his stone adventure, Luke Nalker. The joy in his voice is infectious.
May it ever be so.

Penelope and Lane