It was a little more than twenty years ago when you began seeing ournames as editors of Sculpture NorthWest. Sometimes there have been names other than ours, but we go way back.
We've loved every moment of it. Sometimes gathering stories and photos could be a challenge, but somehow, often at the last minute and always with the help of our talented layout artist, Nannette Davis, an issue appeared. Usually more or less on time. There is no way we could have done that without members sending us what they wrote about their sculpture as well as photos, so we could share their work with everyone. We are grateful to each and every one of you for your hard work and your kindness.
And for this, our last issue, we are happy to say that it will be an all color issue. Thank you NWSSA for the color cover. And thanks to our contributors: Jocelyne Dodier, Cyra Jane Hobson, James Horan and Kentaro Kojima, for your willingness to fund color images of your amazing work.
Whoever takes the helm next, will have our support as needed along with our wish that your efforts will be as rewarding to you as ours have been to both of us.
We hope you enjoy this issue.

Penelope and Lane