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From the President.... 

April 24th was International sculpture Day! Two of our members had a memorable April 24th, Hank Nelson and Sue Taves were honored on International sculpture day by our Sculpture Northwest friends in Bellingham who promote outdoor sculpture displays in the four northernmost counties of Washington state.Look for more details in an upcoming journal. Hope you had a chance to celebrate, experience great sculpture, and hang out with your fellow sculptors.
Speaking of hanging out with fellow sculptors, Michael Yeaman, conceived, coordinated, and made happen the “Elements of Sculpture - a viewer’s guide” workshop with Herbert George based on Herbert’s book of the same name.The event on Orcas Island and the San Juan sculpture park was a success. A special thanks to Michael and his wife Deborah for hosting the reception Friday evening at their house, the food, Orcas Island microbrews and atmosphere were great.Herbert George’s presentation of a basic vocabulary of 14 elements to talk about sculpture is a very good starting place.

Elements of Sculpture
1. Movement   8. Color
2. Light   9. Scale
3. Material 10. Mass
4. Place 11. Gravity
5. Surface 12. Volume
6. Edge 13. Space
7. Texture 14. Memory

In addition, I especially enjoyed the Sunday morning walk with the attendees thru Roche Harbor Sculpture Park and his use of the elements to talk about the stone sculpture in the park. One surprise was hearing Herbert George speak about sitting, setting, and display of sculpture it sounded very much like what we have heard Richsculpture it sounded very much like what we have heard RichHestekind speak about.It is likely you will hear more about the 14 elements, Herbert has given Michael permission to develop a PowerPoint presentation for use at our symposia.
Look for the formal request on the listserve, or in a future journal. In the meantime, if you have a big outdoor piece and a photo of it, email it to Ben:
Finally, board elections are coming up. There are three positions open and three board members are running for reelection: Ken Barnes, Michael Yeaman and Doug Wiltshire.If you’d like to serve on the board, or nominate someone, let Renee ( know so we can properly hold our election of board members. If you have questions about serving on the board feel free to drop me a note:, or ask a board member, their names and phone numbers are on page two of the journal.

Carve Proud, Learn Much, and Share with Many.…