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Spring is just around the bend after the coming of the Light, and so our thoughts turn to a more pleasant season for working stone. But before you become embroiled in your next great sculpture, I would like to remind you that there are two positions open on the BOD. We have formed a committee to find members willing and able to be on the Board. However, I would like to have more input from you, the members of our association, in this regard. Do you know someone who you think would be a good board member, perhaps yourself? If so please send me your candidates’ names.


The BOD does business in your name and plays an important role in the operation of our association. If you have a desire to see us grow in a particular direction, then the BOD is where you need to be.


Please contact me directly regarding this and or any other issue you have. I take my position as president seriously and I can only represent you if I know what is on your mind. I read and will answer all mail and e-mail.


For example, last year at Camp B, attendees showed their strong desire for more figurative classes and so this year we will have them at Camp. And, what about those of you who do not attend Camp B. but support Silver Falls and Roche Harbor. I will pass your suggestions onto the individual symposia directors.


Last year was Hon Lee’s final lecture series with his marvelous presentations. Do you know of anyone who could fill such a role, not necessarily a sculptor, perhaps a traveler whose passion is the artfulness of the world beyond our borders? And for those of you who go beyond our borders, take pictures and send them to the Journal. Whoever you are, if you are reading this, take pity on those of us who cannot afford the sojourn.


Written 13 December, 12 degrees, freezing fog, and with 12 inches of snow on the ground.


Your pres,


-Elaine Mac Kay

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