A report from The NWSSA 2016 Winter Holiday Party
By Michael Yeaman – Sculpture NorthWest roving reporter
It may still be getting pitch dark at 6pm around here but it was bright and cheery at the NWSSA’s 2016 winter holiday party on Saturday night, January 9th. Our annual festive event was once again held at Ken Barnes’ amazing sculpting studio where you definitely don’t want to go if you get “big saw and hoist” envy very easily. This open space with its soaring interior provided the perfect environment for this industrial strength happening with plenty of member-provided food and drink. I think my favorite was the fresh crab legs with spicy cocktail dip and Pat Barton’s morel packed mini-pastries.The party began at 5 pm and by 6 we had nearly 40 revelers all trying to keep the stone dust off their party clothes. By the time I left at 8:30, the festivities were still going strong, a rather appropriate testament to the enduring strength of our members and our great NWSSA organization!