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The logo contest received more than twenty-five entries, covering, as you would expect from a group of artists, a wide range of ideas and concepts. There were multi-colored flags and sketches of mountains being moved, lettering designed around hammers, chisels and other tools, sculptors sculpting themselves, and an amazing array of other ideas. The many samples that came in by mail, email, and pony express were laid out on Pete Pere’s large dining room table and then chairs and the Board of Directors looked like it was playing musical chairs as we went around and around the table, noting the numbers of those we thought would work best.


After multiple viewings and votes, the BOD chose the design George Pratt had designed for Camp Brotherhood, asking him to modify it to be a more universal logo for NWSSA. This simple continuous-line drawing contains all the elements of our association: a tree indicates the Northwest, the figure holding the hammer and chisel represents the stone sculptors, and the continuous line gathering all the elements together and carrying them forward represents the Association.

George was awarded a full scholarship to Camp Brotherhood for winning the contest, but was unable to attend due to an illness from which we all hope he recovers. We’ll hold the scholarship open for you, George. Get well soon. Our prayers are with you.