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Need a quick gift this time of year? Get a piece of floor tile, and epoxy on some fancy knobs from the cabinet section of your local hardware store, and you have a nice trivet. Some easy polishing with sanding discs can make it really spiffy. Pull a hand truck if the load is tall. Running into a small bump, while pushing, can halt the cart and dump the load. Bummer. When drilling through a stone, remember that the drill will blow out the edges as it exits. Be sure the Velcro discs are firmly attached to the backing pad. Trying to find the green one in the grass after it sails off can take some time. Keep your power cords away from the cutting edge. Don’t tempt a fire with oily rags tossed haphazardly around. Scissors can sometimes function as tweezers. There is an inverse ratio between the desirability of a rough stone and its estimated weight. Make sure the address on an envelope is correct before putting on the stamp.