This amazing Bernini Angel inked on the left thigh, was completed by shop founder, Rafa Barragan in two sessions totaling seven hours at the Illuminati Tattoo Lounge in Orange County, CA.Bernini was an Italian artist born in 1598, known primarily for his stunning sculptures. He is often credited as creating the Baroque style of sculpture which emphasized the dynamic movement and energy of human forms.

The ink artist, Jun Cha, currently is working in Los Angeles, CA. This tattoo on the subject’s left side is of the famous Bernini sculpture of David. It depicts the scene from the Bible where David flings a stone at Goliath, the giant. David slays Goliath, dropping the armor and throwing the stone with just part of a robe covering him. We see the movement, as well as each nuance of the statue captured in this tattoo.
St. Teresa

This Ecstasy of Saint Teresatattoo put on the right bicep, depicts an episode of "religious ecstasy" in the life of the cloistered Spanish mystic and Carmelite nun - Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) Critics of the work are divided as to whether Teresa is experiencing an intense state of divine joy, or a physical orgasm. However, Professor Robert Harbison says he believes that Bernini used the erotic character of the experience to reflect a new and higher type of spiritual awakening.

Bust of Jesus
Over his 82 year life, Bernini produced thousands of sculptures. This bust of Jesus was the last sculpture he worked on before his death in 1680.The tattoo of Bernini’s Jesus was inked on the left, upper arm and was completed in six hours by Francisco J Sanchez
Angel with cross
This piece was inkedon the subject’s left thigh at Big Gus’s Gallery in Los Alamitos, CA. “I love to do black&gray photorealism......it’s my favorite! I have come a long way in this biz tattooing till the early mornings but what the hell it’s the only time you get some peace and quiet.” As you see, Gus reversed this Bernini Angel for a better fit on the complete leg, It is one of a dozen angels designed by Bernini that line both sides of the bridge to the Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome.