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Call for Temporary Environmental Artwork

As a means of fostering new interpretations of art and nature in urban spaces, the City of Shoreline Public Art Program seeks temporary artworks for display in parks (along trails, glades, meadows, and reclaimed gravel pits), especially Brugger’s Bog and Southwoods,to encourage audiences to visit these resources as well as to exercise and spend time in comparative silence. Walking, way-finding, and searching for the “hidden” artwork is a primary component of the project. Proposals will be juried by a selection panel consisting of an artist, art professional and/or collector, professional handler / engineer, additional community resident(s) and City staff. The City will promote the artwork on its website and newsletters, producing a map to encourage exploration of the area. For time and materials, selected artists are offered honoraria of $500 - $1,500 (depending on scope of project) following installation.

Although there is no deadline, the submission pool is reviewed quarterly.  Artists should submit materials 2 weeks before these dates for full consideration.

For More Information, please visit City of Shoreline