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Call for Artists

Call For Artists: Federation of Canadian Artists

The Federation of Canadian Artists is a national membership services organization with over 3,000 members that promotes Canadian art and artists, and has existed for ovEr 80 years. Previously open only to 2D artists, the Federation is now welcoming sculptural (3D) artists to participate.

Member Benefits:
  • Eligibility to exhibit at the Granville Island Gallery. There will be 8 exhibitions available to sculptors in 2023. Awards and cash prizes.
  • 3 Additional opportunities for on-line only exhibitions.
  • Professional recognition by peer artists who establish standards.
  • FCA us opportunity for association with an organization reputation for integrity throughout the art community including professional, emerging, amateur artists, educational institutions, galleries, museums, collections and patrons.
  • FCA member-only services include"
    • Discounts on workshops/talks/classes
    • Quarterly Art Avenue magazine subscription and bi-weekly newsletter which features members and their news.
    • Discounted rates on advertising in the magazine.
    • 65% commission paid on sales (50% for non-members)

For more information
- or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Price Sculpture Forest Call For Art

There are many opportunities to show your art at Price Sculpture Forest. We encourage your participation. The park will provide you with excellent public exposure in a beautiful setting. We offer early phase participants 100% of your sales proceeds with no commission, to encourage inclusion of your best work and to support you as an artist. Check out the opportunities and submission guidelines below.

Click Here for full prospectus

The Sculpture Forest initially has two specific themes and some other guidelines which perform best in our jurying process. Future rotating shows will be more open ended. Each of the two overarching sculptural themes has its own devoted walking trail loop.

Representation of beauty in forms of natural elements, animals, plants, ecosystems, and human interaction with the non‐civilized world. Preference is for uplifting, positive messages and experiences (or neutral ones), though we will occasionally consider works that poetically evoke the dangers and implications of environmental degradation. Sculptures should be at home in a native forest setting.

Bring on the fun! This section of the park is devoted to releasing a sense of discovery. What will appear around the next turn of the trail? Will it make the grandparents laugh? Will it make the kids say “that’s really cool”? Is it unusual or beguiling in a relatable way? Is it fantastical or well outside the norm? These are all worthy ideas for Whimsy Way.

There is a general preference for stone, some natural looking metals, and bio‐natural materials (wood, shells, antlers, etc.) in Nature Nurtured. In Whimsy Way, all materials, colors, and approaches are open ended. Sculptures should be sturdy to handle potentially appreciative hands and to hold up well in an outdoor year-round environment.

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Groundswell: City of Shoreline Public Art Program

Call for Temporary Environmental Artwork

As a means of fostering new interpretations of art and nature in urban spaces, the City of Shoreline Public Art Program seeks temporary artworks for display in parks (along trails, glades, meadows, and reclaimed gravel pits), especially Brugger’s Bog and Southwoods,to encourage audiences to visit these resources as well as to exercise and spend time in comparative silence. Walking, way-finding, and searching for the “hidden” artwork is a primary component of the project. Proposals will be juried by a selection panel consisting of an artist, art professional and/or collector, professional handler / engineer, additional community resident(s) and City staff. The City will promote the artwork on its website and newsletters, producing a map to encourage exploration of the area. For time and materials, selected artists are offered honoraria of $500 - $1,500 (depending on scope of project) following installation.

Although there is no deadline, the submission pool is reviewed quarterly.  Artists should submit materials 2 weeks before these dates for full consideration.

For More Information, please visit City of Shoreline

NWSSA Artist Call: Old Alcohol Plant Inn

Call to NWSSA member artists for sculpture submissions to be installed at
310 Hadlock Bay Rd. 
Port Hadlock, WA. 98339 


The owners of the Inn have created an opportunity for an on-going display of sculpture. 

Sculptures not to exceed 100 lbs for ease of installation. Pedestals are supplied by the Inn.

In the main lobby near the Spirits Bar & Grill Restaurant, there is space for at least a dozen sculpture pieces on pedestals. There are 4 four-shelf glass showcases for smaller works in the gift shop area.

Sales commission is 40% which supports the Old Alcohol Plant Inn's mission to provide lodging for community members in need, create jobs to enhance our economy, and provide a beautiful waterfront location for events and classes.

To Apply online [Click HERE] otherwise download the application form, fill it in and email 2 pictures of each piece with size and dimensions.

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Call for Artists

We always try to post current public art projects, artist fellowships, juried visual art competitions and exhibition opportunities that might appeal to our members. If you would like to make sure that a Call for Artists opportunity appears on our website, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The following are links to helpful sites with information, resources more calls for artists in all disciplines:

  Here is a link to the Artist Trust site:

Here is a link to CaFE site which serves as an aggregator for artist calls:  

racc logo masthead
Here is a link to the Regional Arts & Culture Council:

Public Art Archive

This is a call for the inclusion of public art collections in the Public Art Archive, an online database of public art. To be considered for inclusion, you must be a professional artist who has completed and installed public artwork, or an administrator of an established public art program. There is no charge to submit entries to the Public Art Archive. Public art is defined here as art that is situated in a location that is accessible or viewable by the general public and was, in most cases, commissioned by a public art entity, typically using percent-for-art or public funding. Gallery art and art exhibited inside galleries and museums is not eligible. Works of art that were commissioned and/or gifted by corporations, museums, educational institutions, private parties, and other entities may also be eligible. Permanently cited, temporary, new media, performative, rotating, and portable works may be eligible if they meet the commonly known definition of public art or civic art.

The Public Art Archive™ (PAA™), like™ (CaFE™), is powered by the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF). The Western States Arts Federation is a nonprofit regional arts service organization dedicated to the development of an expanded awareness of the power of the arts. Much of the organization’s work is accomplished through the development of technologies that benefit the arts and the arts community. WESTAF created the PAA™, which launched in 2009 with the collections of a few pilot public art agencies. We are pleased to invite artists and collection managers to include their artworks on this premier database for public art.

Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.