Call to NWSSA member artists for sculpture submissions to be installed at
310 Hadlock Bay Rd.
Port Hadlock, WA. 98339

The owners of the Inn have created an opportunity for an on-going display of sculpture.
Sculptures not to exceed 100 lbs for ease of installation. Pedestals are supplied by the Inn.
In the main lobby near the Spirits Bar & Grill Restaurant, there is space for at least a dozen sculpture pieces on pedestals. There are 4 four-shelf glass showcases for smaller works in the gift shop area.
Sales commission is 40% which supports the Old Alcohol Plant Inn's mission to provide lodging for community members in need, create jobs to enhance our economy, and provide a beautiful waterfront location for events and classes.
To Apply online [Click HERE] otherwise download the application form, fill it in and email 2 pictures of each piece with size and dimensions.
If you have any questions regarding the venue or the application/selection process, please contact either Cheri Perry at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or cell #360-460-2444 or Kim Danner at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 415-250-4712 as they have agreed to be the liaison persons.
NWSSA's History with the Old Alcohol Plant Inn:
The Inn is the site of the 3 day Woman’s Hand Carving workshop held there in the Spring of 2017 and 2018. 2019 event is already planned.
Arliss Newcomb has been showing her sculpture there for the last 2 years, and happily over that time, has sold over 15 pieces in the $200.00 to $6,000.00 price range. Arliss was the first artist to show at this venue after the Inn had been closed for several years. The Inn is attracting visitors with monthly 2D art openings to their 2nd floor art gallery with a new show every month.