There are many opportunities to show your art at Price Sculpture Forest. We encourage your participation. The park will provide you with excellent public exposure in a beautiful setting. We offer early phase participants 100% of your sales proceeds with no commission, to encourage inclusion of your best work and to support you as an artist. Check out the opportunities and submission guidelines below.
Click Here for full prospectus
The Sculpture Forest initially has two specific themes and some other guidelines which perform best in our jurying process. Future rotating shows will be more open ended. Each of the two overarching sculptural themes has its own devoted walking trail loop.
Representation of beauty in forms of natural elements, animals, plants, ecosystems, and human interaction with the non‐civilized world. Preference is for uplifting, positive messages and experiences (or neutral ones), though we will occasionally consider works that poetically evoke the dangers and implications of environmental degradation. Sculptures should be at home in a native forest setting.
Bring on the fun! This section of the park is devoted to releasing a sense of discovery. What will appear around the next turn of the trail? Will it make the grandparents laugh? Will it make the kids say “that’s really cool”? Is it unusual or beguiling in a relatable way? Is it fantastical or well outside the norm? These are all worthy ideas for Whimsy Way.
There is a general preference for stone, some natural looking metals, and bio‐natural materials (wood, shells, antlers, etc.) in Nature Nurtured. In Whimsy Way, all materials, colors, and approaches are open ended. Sculptures should be sturdy to handle potentially appreciative hands and to hold up well in an outdoor year-round environment.
Sculpture can be for sale, not for sale, donated to the park’s permanent collection (your generosity will be publicly recognized on an associated plaque and this web site), or on long term loan to the park (your generosity will also be recognized).
If needed, smaller ground‐based sculptures should ideally be on pedestals and securable to prevent removal or toppling over if someone leans on it. We are also open to hanging aerial sculpture from or between trees if it does not hurt the tree.
We encourage proposals from you to be featured at Price Sculpture Forest. Please first read everything on this page. The submission requirements are quite simple, and there is no submission fee. Just email the following information to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:

Your name, email address, phone number, and web site (if you have one)
Photo(s) of sculpture, ideally from multiple angles
Title of sculpture
Overall dimensions
Status of sculpture (for sale / price; not for sale; donate to park’s permanent collection; long term loan to park)
Brief explanation of why you believe your sculpture is a strong match for the Sculpture Forest. This can be just a few sentences, or whatever feels right in communicating the message and applicability of your work.
Term: All sculptures should reside at the park for a minimum of 1 year. You are responsible for removal coordination and logistics.
Insurance: Insurance will be paid for you by the park at an agreed reasonable prorated valuation. You are encouraged to also carry your own insurance.
Installation: You (or your designee) will provide onsite sturdy installation of your sculpture on a mutually agreed date after advance coordination of details with the park.
Video: Every sculpture will be featured in an approximately 2‐minute video for self‐guided walking tours on a phone app and for web site visitors. We prefer that you / the sculptor be willing to provide a personal 2‐minute video explaining their sculpture for the public. This video can be shot, edited, and created by park management for you if you can come to the park, stand by your sculpture in its new environment, and informally talk or answer some questions. If you cannot come to the park, then an informal brief video from your phone or a webcam can work as an alternative. We can provide casual interview style questions and prompts, multiple takes, and it does not need to be polished. If this video with you is not possible or you are too camera shy, then someone else instead of the sculptor will narrate the video overview of your sculpture, hopefully leveraging your inputs.
More details: We can provide you with all of the written agreement details upon request or upon sculpture acceptance.